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12-14 15:49:36 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 初三英语阅读 | 人气:387

中考英语阅读真题每日一练(38),栏目:九年级英语阅读,初中英语学习方法大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

  Morison and Philip were classmates. They lived in the same town. After they left school, Morison became the manager(经理)of a flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital.

  Philip made a girlfriend. He bought a red rose for her each day to show his love, The flowers made her very happy. Sometimes he took the rose to her himself. But when he was busy in the hospital, he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him.

  One afternoon, Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison. “I’ll go to another town to work today. I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girlfriend. Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses.”

  In the evening, when Morison was closing the door of the shop, Philip came. “Morison, how many roses did you give my girlfriend this morning?” asked Philip angrily.

  “I gave her thirty,” answered Morison.

  “Why did you do that?” asked Philip.

  “I thought you often bought roses for her in my shop. I want to give her six roses as the gifts (赠品).Six is a good number, you know,” said Morison.

  “How foolish you are!” He threw his letter on the table. “Read it!”

  Morison picked it up and began to read:

  Dear Mimi,

  I love you very much. Today is your birthday. Please accept my present-some roses, One rose is a year. And the roses are your age.



  “She returned them to me,” cried Philip, “you must go and explain it to her.”


  56.Philip and Morison had different jobs after school.

  57.Mimi never accepted Philip’s flowers.

  58.Philip couldn’t send flowers to Mimi himself on her birthday because he was ill.

  59.Mimi was happy to get six more roses from Philip.

  60.From the passage we know that Mimi was 24 years old at that time.


关键字:初三英语阅读,九年级英语阅读,初中英语学习方法大全   中考英语


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