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12-14 15:44:45 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高一英语辅导 | 人气:543

关于腊八节的英语作文:难忘的腊八节,栏目:高一英语辅导大全,高一英语学习方法大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。


  Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way.

  There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted from days of walking, he fainted away by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.


关键字:高一英语辅导,高一英语辅导大全,高一英语学习方法大全   英语作文 腊八节


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