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节约水资源(Save Water)英语作文

12-14 15:44:45 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高中英语作文 | 人气:152

节约水资源(Save Water)英语作文,栏目:高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
Save Water
  Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?  
  A poem:  
  Water has no taste at all.  
  Water has no color.  
  Water’s in the waterfall.  
  The pump.  
  The tap.  
  The well.  
  Water is everywhere around us.  
  Water is in the rain.  
  In the stream.  
  In the pond.  
  And in the river.  
  And in the sea again.  
  There isn’t much water on the earth. we must to save it. It is not inexhaustible.  
  It is very valuable.   

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关键字:高中英语作文,高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文大全   英语作文 水资源

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