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九年级英语下册Unit 3教案

03-14 15:19:49 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 九年级英语教案 | 人气:166

九年级英语下册Unit 3教案,栏目:九年级英语复习教案,九年级下册英语教案,初中英语教案 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

九年级英语下册Unit 3教案

    Unit 3 First ,you need to put the candle into a test tube.
    目标:读懂对话,能根据对话中的意思填入正确的词汇;根据对话嫩容操作简单             实验,了解实验室的规则;能够在疑问句中使用情态动词。
    Step1 Preparation
    1.Ask the students to think of all the objects they might find in a lab.
    2.Get them to call out their ideas and write them on the blackboard.
    eye-dropper、Bunsen burner 、rubber tube、gas tap、glass、beaker、test tube、candle
    Step2 Read and complete
    1.Ask the students to read the dialogue and find out what the dialogue is about.
    2.Encourage the students to suggest ideas and write them on the board . The ideas will help them understand the context.
    3.Explain that they have to use the words in the box to complete the dialogue.
    Step3 Read and order
    2.Check the answer together.
    Step4 Read and complete.
    Ask the students to work in groups
    Then ask some groups to say out their answers.
    Step5 Work in pairs
    1. Introduce this topic by telling the students something about Jamie Oliver,a famous chef in the Uk ,Jamie was shocked by the bad quality of food that schools were giving to children .He made a TV programme in which he tried to get a school to make better school lunches.(or dinners as they are called in the UK)
    2. Ask the students to read the complaints.
    3. Encourage the class to suggest ways in which the school can deal with the complaints
    4. Then divide the class into pairs ask each pair to write their ideas down.
    5. Then ask some pairs to tell the class their suggestions.
    6. Ask the rest of the class being seated ,ask them for their ideas.
    7. Then write all the ideas on the board.
    Step6 Write.
    1. Ask the students to make a poster of the things they should do to learn English well
    2. Start by brain storming ideas.Write their ideas on the board
    3. Get the students to make posters of the five most important things they should do to learn English.
    Step7 Homework.

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