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04-13 01:23:51 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 高中英语作文 | 人气:632

反对打猎及其利与弊,栏目:高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文网,高中英语作文大全 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
1)"The most common criticisms of sport hunting are that it is cruel and
inhumane, that it violates the rights of the animals, that it entails
disobedience to rules of conduct that all who exhibit genuine respect
for nature must observe, that it upsets ecological balances and can
lead to endangerment of some game species, and that hunting is an
expression of mindless aggression and violence and thus perpetuates
human barbarism。

2)On the topic of hunting I have had a first hand experience。
The deer population where I live grew out of control a few years ago and
as a last resort the town decided to have a hunt。 It was very controlled
safe and had a limit as to how many deer were killed。 This sort of animal
control is extreme and in my opinion should be avoided at all costs。
However, the overpopulation of deer was causing health risks to the town,
like a spread of lymes disease, which made hunting a necessity。 The rights
of animals are watched out for by organizations dating back to the early
1800's。 This, I feel is an important step in protecting animals as long as
they protest within there legal rights。 In order to sum my opinion up
animals do have certain rights but if experiments, research, hunting and
dissection provide positive increases in knowledge that furthers the
existence of the world it is a necessary thing that must be done。




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