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One of the greatest advancements in modern technology has been the invention of computers。 Computers are changing the way people live and work。 They are already widely used in industry, business and in academic institutions。

With the popularization of science and technology, computers have found an increasingly wide application in all fields。 A computer can do a lot of work。 It is capable of doing extremely complicated work in all fields of learning。 It can solve the most complex mathematics problems。 Computers are able to store large amounts of information, which can be recalled rapidly at any time。

The truth of the matter, however, is that any new technology has a “dark”side。 The problems caused by the use of computers are quite different。 For example, assembly lines will be a slow process to retain workers to build and operate new equipment。 Nevertheless, the dark side of the computer shouldn't mean that we should abandon the use of computers。

Technology only can make the real work cheaper, faster, and less tedious。 It cannot solve problems。


该文从现代化的技术革新角度来谈计算机,然后在第二段里讲到,随着科学和技术的普遍应用,计算机也大放光彩,具体的例举了两个用处。最后一段里,用“the truth of the matter”,再加“however”转折,说明了计算机的“dark side”,文章全面而重点突出。

Computers(电脑) 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网www.jiaoyu880.com




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