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Chapter 22: Writing a Paragraph: Writing, Revising, and Editing the Drafts - Rough Lines

02-17 15:44:36 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 英语写作指导 | 人气:858

Chapter 22: Writing a Paragraph: Writing, Revising, and Editing the Drafts - Rough Lines,栏目:英语写作范文,英语写作网,英语写作基础,高中英语写作教学 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。

The next step in the writing process is producing a rough draft。 A rough draft translates your list of details into sentences full of description, action, and detail。 Once you have written the first draft, the real work begins。 As you edit your draft, you will analyze each sentence for clarity; you will evaluate your overall sentence structure to be sure you have variety in your sentences; you will look at the words you've chosen to be sure they are accurate。 As you go through additional drafts you will also evaluate the grammar and mechanics of your sentences to be sure that you don't have any grammatical errors。 Once you have edited the paragraph, you are almost finished with the writing process。 All that remains is the Final lines。

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