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07-10 11:39:56 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 优秀作文 | 人气:219

关于雪灾的英语作文,栏目:高中优秀作文,中考优秀作文,优秀作文开头结尾,初中优秀作文600字 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
Dear Iris,

Thank you for your concern about the heavy snow that has swept across many parts of China including Anhui since mid-January。 Actually,it’s the worst snow disaster in our country。Railway and freeway traffic has been paralyzed,XXX the family reunion of many people in the Spring Festival impossible。Some of the electricity facilities were destroyed,which caused huge losses to the national economy。Besides,electricity shortage has been there because the severe weather made the production and transportion of coal difficult。To make matters worse,in some places have been suffered power failures。The snow caused great inconvenience to their life。


Luckily,effective measures have already been taken by our government,but fighting the snow disaster is not something left to our government alone。As citizens,we have done our own little bits。First,we have helped remove the snow from roads and streets。Then we have saved as much electricity as possible by turning off the air conditions and so on。And last but not least,we have taken good care of those families with only the old and young at home。

Yours sincerely,
Li Hua




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