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温暖的花-Warm Flowers,温暖的花-Warm Flowers范文

02-21 17:49:35 | http://www.jiaoyu880.com | 以温暖为话题的作文 | 人气:583

温暖的花-Warm Flowers,温暖的花-Warm Flowers范文,栏目:关于温暖的作文,温暖的作文,作文200字 ,http://www.jiaoyu880.com 。
温暖的花-Warm Flowers 英语作文网收集整理www.jiaoyu880.com

Mr。 Wang is a retired worker。 He loves flowers very much。
It was cold outside in winter, so he thought his flowers might be cold。 He started the fire to heat a pot of water。
After the water was boiling, Mr。 Wang watered the flowers with it。 He thought happily, "Now it will be warm。"
But after a while, to his surprise, all the flowers died。 Mr。Wang felt worried。
From the story we know: No matter what we do, we must follow the natural rules。


Mr。 Wang loves flowers very much after he retired。 In his home there are many flowers。
It was cold outside in winter。 He looked at his flowers, then he had an idea。 He opened the fire to heat a pot of water。
After the water boiled, he watered the flowers with it。 He thought satisfactorily, "Now it will be warm。 "But after a while,to his surprise, all the flowers died。 Mr。 Wang didn't know why。
The story tells us we must follow the natural rules no matter what we do。


温暖的花-Warm Flowers 英语作文网收集整理www.jiaoyu880.com
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